Britain's Biggest Warship Series 2, narrated by Caroline Catz

Britain’s Biggest Warship is back!

 It’s clear from Chris Terrill’s latest visit to HMS Queen Elizabeth as it gets primed for action that most of its crew rarely see the light of day, living like cave-dwellers below deck (alongside 70,000 onions and 25 tons of potatoes).

No wonder when they get to go ashore there’s a need to over-celebrate: six sailors are arrested when the ship makes its first stop in Florida.

But the centrepiece of this episode is a flying first: it’s almost a decade since the last fighter jet landed on a Royal Navy flight deck. As an F-35 Lightning touches down, commanding officer Jerry Kyd (who also captained the Ark Royal) growls, “We’re back!”

Britain’s Biggest Warship Series 2 starts Sunday 27th October 2019 at 8pm on BBC Two, narrated by Caroline Catz.